How Parents May Help
Prepare your child for school by helping him/her gain independence and responsibility in these ways.
Allow your child to walk, perhaps holding your hand instead of being carried.
Provide your child with clothing that are easy to manage independently and teach him/her to dress him/herself as much as possible.
Label your child’s clothing and help him/her to recognize his/her name on them.
Invite your child to work with you sharing cooking or other household responsibilities such as folding laundry and taking out the trash.
Teach your child bathroom hygiene and the importance of hand-washing. Provide a stool if necessary.
Encourage your child to use common courtesies, “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, etc.
Encourage your child to make eye contact while speaking to others. Speak normally with your child and listen to assist in the development of communication skills.
Prepare your child for going to school by assuring him/her it will be a pleasant place and that he/she will enjoy the activities there.
Break dependent habits like bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups that are not available in the classrooms.
Give your child some experiences of being away from you before school opens so that staying at school without you will be less difficult.
Encourage your child to take care of his/her possessions and to respect the property and rights of others.
Help your child to put away toys and other possessions. Make sure there is a special, easily accessible place for each of the possessions. Avoid toyboxes where toys are carelessly dumped. Limit the number of toys that you have available.
Teach your child how to handle books properly.
Share good literature with your child to develop language skills and the skill of listening.
Explain to your child that the teachers are there to help him/her. Encourage your child to respect their authority as he/she does yours.
Participate in parent educational opportunities, to learn more about Montessori education and how you can support your child and teacher in the home.